Property. Commercial. Trusts. Assets. Relationship Property.

Lawyers of North Hamilton.

FREE First Home Buyers Property Consultation

Buying your first home is one of the biggest financial decisions you will ever make.  Many first home buyers are unsure about whether they can or should buy property in the current climate. The process can be very daunting and sometimes it can be hard to decide where to even start. 

We are offering free Property Consultations for first home buyers, by Zoom, Facetime, phone, or in person to answer your questions about the purchase process at a time that suits you. These consultations give us an opportunity to introduce ourselves, answer your questions and give some broad guidance about how to proceed with the purchase of your home.

We are located at The Base Outlet.

  • Park in the outdoor carpark behind Farmers

  • We are between Peroz the Barbers and Converse

  • If you go past the bathroom we are the last door on the left and up the stairs.

Welcome to Foundation Legal, where we serve the people of the Waikato with a focus on asset planning, trusts, commercial and property law.

We specialise in the buying and selling of residential and commercial property, refinancing, subdivisions, commercial law, asset structuring, estate planning, wills, powers of attorney and relationship property. 

We have an office at the Base shopping centre with easy parking for our clients but are also mobile so we can meet the needs of clients' lifestyles. Being mobile lets the team at Foundation Legal to come to you, either at work or home, at a time suitable to you – even after hours!

We invite you to make an appointment by phoning   07 9497879 or email Claire to see how we can help you.

How we do what we do at Foundation Legal


We ensure you’re getting maximum value and the best advice, by providing affordable, fit for purpose solutions.


We are open, honest, ethical, respectful and trustworthy.


We listen to our clients, understand their world and do all we can to make their lives easier.


We are happy to talk to you and masters of the closing the loop on our communications.


We have good energy and are warm and friendly people to work with


We adapt to the demands of the situation and can be mobile if you need us to be.


Can I go from listing with an agent to selling my property privately?

Can I go from listing with an agent to selling my property privately? Selling your property can be frustrating if you reach the end of your agency agreement without an offer. At the end of yourRead more

Land Covenants and Buying off the Plans

Recent planning legislation changes have seen many local councils define various areas of land that are now zoned for more intensive housing. If you’re looking at buying land within these zonesRead more

Lease Documents

Here are things to consider before you sign a lease agreement. Remember, a deed of lease is a document that sets out both a landlord and a tenant’s rights and obligations. They can be long and packRead more

Relationship Property or Separate Property

The Property (Relationships) Act provides a set of legal rules which determine whether property is relationship property or separate property and how relationship property is to be divided when aRead more

Relationship Property

If you contribute unequal cash deposits towards the purchase price of your new home you may want to consider protecting your contribution. You can do this by entering into a contracting out agreementRead more

The Bright-line Test

The bright-line test is designed to require investors to pay tax on the sale of properties that are bought and sold within a set period. When the rule was first introduced, a property that was notRead more

What’s Mine is Not (Necessarily) Yours: Inheritances and Relationship Property

Married people and people who have been in a de facto relationship for three years or more face a difficult decision when they come to inherit property: should the inheritance be shared with theirRead more

How long does it take to pay out an estate after someone dies?

There is a process that must be followed when someone dies to establish that the will (if there is one) is the right one, or to give someone the power to administer the estate, if there is no will.Read more

What is a Testamentary Guardian? What rights do they have?

What is a testamentary guardian and what rights do they have? A testamentary guardian is guardian appointed by a parent in their will for the care of their child (or children) under the age of 18Read more

5 Reasons Every Adult Should Have a Will

Why do we need a will? In basic terms, to document who you wish to provide for upon your death and how you’d like your assets to be distributed. Wills also allow you to specify someone you would liRead more

Wills for Couples

The survivor of you will need to make a very important decision between your entitlements under the deceased's will or whether to claim against their estate. For practical purposes, death is treatedRead more

What are Sunset Clauses and how do they work?

Sunset clauses are conditions included in agreements to provide purchasers, and sometimes vendors, the ability to cancel an agreement by notice if a specific event has not occurred by a certain dateRead more